Basic steps for receiving a Tax Identification Number in Greece An applicant, who is a natural person, may receive a TIN number after filling out and submitting the following applications to the Tax Authority: D210 (Δ210) «Application for a TIN number/Change of Personal Information Statement» and «Declaration of the Taxpayer» As well as presenting the following documents:…

Introduction When a company established in another Member State of the EU or in a third country, carries out taxable transactions in Greece, for which, on one hand is not required to have a permanent establishment there, and on the other hand is obliged to pay Greek VAT, then the company must register in Greece…

Finally, the Ministry of Digital Government puts an end to the need for physical presence in the Cadastral Offices for citizens and professionals (lawyers, notaries, etc.), who waited for up to a year every time to complete transfers, enduring long delays to make an appointment. With the changes brought by the new proposed law, the…

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